As an LTA member, you are part of approximately 600 dedicated educators serving the Lynwood Unified School District. We represent all TK-12 teachers, counselors, speech language pathologists, school psychologists, early childhood educators, and adult school teachers employed in Lynwood. Additionally, as an LTA member, you are part of the California Teachers Association (CTA) representing over 325,000 educators throughout California, and National Educators Association (NEA), representing 3.2 million educators across the country.
Unions negotiate on behalf of their members for better compensation, but they also handle grievances, provide training, lobby federal and state lawmakers, and work to improve education quality for the students. Unions may collectively bargain on the behalf of members for many different reasons, including (but not limited to): Academic freedom/curriculum, wages/benefits, hours/workload/responsibilities, tenure/promotion, evaluation procedures, grievance procedures, retirement and pension benefits, and vacation and sick leave.
Unions also provide legal protection and advice on a wide range of work-related issues, which can include representation when faced with potential lawsuits. Additionally, union members have access to a wide range of support and guidance, including curriculum guides and professional development opportunities. For more information regarding your right to union representation in the workplace, please read the Weingarten Rules.
As an LTA member, you have at your fingertips access to a variety of CTA and NEA benefits and programs to enhance your life and your career. Check your eligibility information and learn about the benefits for new members and retired members to see what’s available to you by visiting the CTA Member Benefits website and reviewing the NEA Member Benefits booklet. If you are not currently an LTA member, you may join by completing the CTA-LTA Membership Enrollment Form and returning it, in person, to your Site Rep or the LTA Office or by completing an application online at Membership Enrollment Forms can be picked up from your Site Rep or at the LTA Office.
Should you have any questions regarding your membership status or member benefits, please contact the LTA Office via email at or by phone at 310-933-8577.