Faculty Site Representatives
The role of a Faculty Site Representative mainly consists of the following:
Communication and liaison for the members of their site, recruitment and retention of LTA members, and representation and negotiation for said members. Reps also pickup and distribute materials to members when announcements are made, which can include elections, meetings, events, and special incentives. Distribution can include posting LTA materials on the local school communications board as well as placing items in each individual member’s box.
The ideal Site Rep is:
• Responsible, trustworthy, responsive, and has integrity
• Available/accessible to members
• Unbiased, objective, and noncombative
• Professional, ethical, friendly, fair, and firm
• Courageous and outspoken, but a great listener
• Attends and participates in all LTA Rep Meetings
• Active in CTA/NEA activities and conferences
• Caring and sensitive to members’ concerns and responds quickly to them
• Communicates effectively and timely on LTA issues and developments
• Is the voice of the Members
• Analyzes situations
• Perseveres
• Knows, understands, and represents the contract
Site reps attend local LTA meetings once a month in order to stay up-to-date on events and issues, as well as inform Executive Board members of any concerns or issues they have within their schools. Reps also convene monthly school-based meetings at their sites on a regular basis–not just when there are issues–so they can inform members of local events as well as report back to members on the Rep Council meeting occurrences.
Below are the Site Reps for each individual school site within the Lynwood Unified School District (LUSD).
If you see a vacancy within your school and would like more information on potentially filling that vacancy, please reach out to the LTA Office by emailing ltaoffice@lynwoodta.org.
Abbott Elementary
•Ann Salvador (Shared Main)
•Cecilia Ortiz (Shared Main)
Cesar Chavez Middle School
•Francisco Lopez (Main)
•Abel Ortega (Main)
•Maria Aceves (Alternate)
Firebaugh High School
Amber Palma (Main)
Raquel Valle (Main)
Vacancy (Alternate)
Vacancy (Alternate)
Helen Keller Elementary
Karla Orellana (Main)
Vacancy (Alternate)
Hosler Middle School
Justyn Brisbon (Main)
Vacancy (Main)
Vacancy (Main)
Vacancy (Alternate)
Lincoln Elementary
Maria Avalos (Main)
Diane Perez (Alternate)
Lindbergh Elementary
Chad Johnson (Main)
Vacancy (Alternate)
Lugo Elementary
Tracy Ellis (Main)
​Melissa Ruiz (Alternate)
Lynwood High School
Starlynn Gonzalez (Main)
Lisa Talavera (Main)
Richard Mejia (Main)
Maelanie Galima (Main)
Vacancy (Main)
Vacancy (Alternate)
Vacancy (Alternate)
Lynwood Adult
Ethel Wade (Main)
Mark Twain Elementary
Jorge Rodriguez (Main)
Vacancy (Alternate)
LUSD District Office
Vacancy (Main)
Marshall Elementary
Jennifer Delgado (Main)
Raquel Meneses (Alternate)
Pathway Independent Study HS
Michelle Harnage (Main)
Roosevelt Elementary
Stephanie Fairell-Smith (Main)
Melanie Ortiz (Main)
Angela Santos (Alternate)
Vista Continuation School
Ruth Rodriguez (Main)
Claudio Toledo (Alternate)
Fannie Jones-Hundley (Alternate)
Rosa Parks Elementary
Charlotte Taylor (Main)
Blanca Dimas (Alternate)
Early Childhood Education
Angela Porter
Washington Elementary
Richard Medina (Main)
Vacancy (Alternate)
School Psychologists
Latasha Ambrose (Main)
Will Rogers Elementary
Rocio Mazzotta (Main)
Vacancy (Alternate)
Wilson Elementary
Brittany Carranza (Main)
Angie Candler (Alternate)
Speech Pathologists
Vacancy (Main)
LTA Office
Angel Maldonado (CTA staff)
Brandi Majors (LTA Staff)